Neutrog embraced the bugs!

Digital Eagles

Soil is rich in secrets – the science of nature and the nature of science. Unearthing these secrets is a challenge and a commitment… it’s something they are passionate about.

They have researched, explored, experimented, invented, refined and evolved. They have changed the way they approach soil enrichment, and created ground-breaking fertilisers that are nutrient rich and bacterially diverse.

To put it simply, they have embraced the bugs and turned chicken poo into a micro-biotic wonderland.

Before it’s pelletised, the chicken poo is inoculated, composted, screened and steam treated – this process eradicates pathogens, parasites and weed seeds, maximises nutrients, and optimises the living microbiology. It creates fertilisers that are alive!

The fertilisers promote soil vitality and nutrient uptake, ensuring optimum performance. They are sustainable, self-evolving and perpetual. Their applications are far-reaching – from farmers to growers to home gardeners.